12 Sure-Fire Signs Someone Is Thinking Of You
Have you ever experienced a sudden change in your emotional state or random physical symptoms, such as hiccups or sneezing?
According to the universe, these could be signs that someone is thinking about you.
The universe has a unique way of letting us know when someone is thinking of us, and it can be both surprising and amusing.
The idea of a telepathic connection between people is not new, and many have experienced it in their own lives.
People often finish each other’s sentences or know what the other is thinking with just a single look.
This connection creates a bond that is untouchable and invisible, but it can be felt. In this article, we will explore the signs that someone is thinking about you and how to interpret them.
12 Sure Signs Someone Is Thinking About You

When someone is thinking about you, there are often physical and emotional signs that you may not even be aware of.
Here are seven sure signs that someone is thinking about you.
Frequent Appearances In Your Dreams
Frequent appearances of a certain someone in your dreams might be more than just random neural firings; they could signify that this person is thinking about you intensely.
As you drift into the land of dreams, your subconscious may be picking up on the energy and thoughts directed your way, weaving them into the fabric of your dreamscapes.
While the science of dreams remains a mystery, the recurring presence of an individual in your nocturnal narratives might suggest a deep, unseen connection.
If someone keeps showing up in your dreams, consider it a potential signal that you’re dancing through their thoughts as well.
Subconscious Smile
When a person has you on their mind, you may observe an involuntary grin spreading across their face.
This grin is a tangible expression of the thoughts and feelings coursing through their mind. Despite efforts to suppress it, the smile often emerges spontaneously.
Observing this particular smile gives you an intuitive sense that there’s a deeper sentiment beyond mere cordiality. It’s your inner awareness hinting that they’re contemplating you.
Tingling Sensation In Your Face
If you suddenly feel a burning sensation in your ears or cheeks, it could be a sign that someone is thinking about you.
From a medical point of view, the burning sensation and flushed skin may be an emotional response to some strong emotional experiences.
In most cultures, it’s believed that if both of your ears get blushed and begin to burn without a proper reason, it’s a surefire sign someone is thinking about you.
Random Hiccups
Random hiccups can be a peculiar, yet endearing sign that you’ve wandered into someone’s thoughts.
Often striking out of the blue, these little spasms are said to occur when you’re being discussed or reminisced about by someone in the distance.
While it’s a notion more poetic than scientific, the idea adds a sprinkle of romance to the mundane. So the next time you’re hiccupping away, maybe it’s not just the soda — perhaps someone, somewhere, is sending thoughts your way.
Sudden Emotional Changes
If you suddenly experience a huge change of emotional state, it might be because someone is thinking about you. Your energy field might be messed up, which leads you to the change of state.
This is also one of the Law of Attraction signs someone is thinking about you. They are manifesting you using the Law of Attraction.
Your Eye Twitches or Itches Randomly
When your eye twitches or itches randomly, it might be more than just a fleeting irritation; some say it’s a sign that you’re the star of someone’s thoughts.
This quirky little phenomenon is often interpreted as a clue that someone, somewhere, might be gossiping about you or longing for your attention.
Though there’s no scientific basis for this belief, it’s a curious and somewhat enchanting idea to ponder.
So, the next time your eye begins to twitch or itch without reason, maybe, just maybe, it’s a subtle whisper from the universe that you’re being thought of fondly… or not so fondly.
Your Subconscious Brings You Close Together
Your subconscious wants to find a way to bring that person into your life. Once again, spiritual messages are transferring into something touchable—something real and physical.
If the person who is thinking about you is the right one for you, you will meet sooner or later.
And when you meet, you will definitely find out that life tried to get the two of you together many times.
Strange Eye Movements
If your eye suddenly itches or twitches, it could be a legit sign someone is thinking about you. But, there is a catch.
Just because you’re on someone’s mind, this doesn’t have to mean they like you. It doesn’t have to mean they are thinking positively about you.
It can be the other way around. They could be trash-talking you or mentioning you in any other negative way.
You Get Random Goosebumps
Random goosebumps that rise on your skin unexpectedly might be more than just a response to a drop in temperature; they could be a subtle signal that someone is thinking intensely about you.
These little shivers of sensation, often described as someone walking over your grave, could signify a deep, emotional connection that your body senses before your conscious mind does.
While there’s no concrete evidence to link goosebumps to someone’s thoughts, the idea is a delightful thought to entertain.
Tense Mind
When someone is thinking about you, your mind might create tension. Your mind feels your name coming out from someone else’s mouth.
Your mind is trying to warn you to open your eyes and look around. If someone is bad-mouthing you, your mind will send you a physical signal.
It will once again create tension that will manifest itself through a physical reaction, like blood rushing to your cheeks. If there is no reason for you to blush, why is it happening to you?
Positive Energy
When someone is thinking about you, you might feel a sudden burst of positive energy. This energy can manifest itself in many ways, such as feeling happier than usual, feeling more confident, or feeling more motivated. You might also notice that good things seem to be happening to you more often.
When someone is thinking about you, there are often physical and emotional signs that you may not even be aware of.
By paying attention to these signs, you can gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of those around you.
Sudden Bouts Of Sneezing
Sudden bouts of sneezing might be more than just a tickle in your nose; they could be a whimsical sign that someone is thinking about you.
In some cultures, an unexpected sneeze is a clear indicator that someone, somewhere, is talking about you. While there’s no scientific backing to this belief, it’s a charming notion that adds a bit of mystery to our everyday lives.
So, the next time you find yourself reaching for a tissue unexpectedly, consider the possibility that you’re on someone’s mind.
Can You Really Feel When Someone Is Thinking About You?

Many people believe that they can feel when someone is thinking about them. According to some, this phenomenon is possible because when someone thinks about you, they send out energy vibrations which can interfere with your state of mind.
These energy signals are created by telepathy and can make you feel happy or sad for no apparent reason.
This belief in the power of telepathy is based on the idea that life consists of more than just physical appearance and interaction.
There is a deeper force at work, a spiritual energy that allows us to feel one another and unknowingly know each other’s thoughts and acts. This force is our subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind is capable of picking up vibrations and other people’s feelings unconsciously. Sometimes we get the feeling that we have to do something, but we cannot explain why. It sits there in our mind and bothers us.
There is something we know we have to do that our gut, or our instinct or whatever, is telling us. Often those inner signals that we pick up on manifest themselves in a physical manner, and we are not aware of it.
The power of our subconscious mind is so strong that it can even make us physically sick. For example, if we feel like we are getting sick and we surrender to that feeling, we may actually get sick. This is because we have accepted the fact that we are getting sick, and therefore we have invited that sickness to take a physical form.
In the same way, when someone is thinking about us, we may feel physical reactions. We may feel their thoughts, but only if we want to feel and recognize them.
If we are in denial, nothing will make us see and feel the signs, and there won’t be any point because our subconscious will still be locked inside us.
While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that we can feel when someone is thinking about us, many people believe in this phenomenon.
It is important to remember that our subconscious mind is powerful, and it is capable of picking up on things that our conscious mind may not be aware of.
If you have a feeling that someone is thinking about you, it may be worth paying attention to that feeling and seeing if there are any physical reactions that accompany it.
If Someone Is On Your Mind Are You On Theirs?

When someone can’t stop thinking about someone, it’s not always definitive that the other person is also thinking about them.
However, in most cases, when someone can’t stop thinking about someone, it’s a sign that they have a strong connection and psychic abilities.
This is because the ability to sense when you’re on someone’s mind also relies on your psychic power.
If you want to stop thinking about someone
Constantly thinking about that one person can be draining and can influence your mental health and how you function on a daily basis.
It’s important to preoccupy yourself with things that you enjoy doing. It could be something as simple as watching a new TV show, calling a friend, or indulging in a hobby.
Staying active and socializing with others is also an excellent way to stop thinking about that one specific person because you’ll be focused on other people in your life. It’s essential to keep yourself busy and preoccupied with things that make you happy.
It’s important to note that it’s not always easy to stop thinking about someone, especially if it’s someone you care about deeply. However, it’s crucial to take care of your mental health and well-being by focusing on other aspects of your life that bring you joy and happiness.
When someone can’t stop thinking about someone, it’s not always definitive that the other person is also thinking about them. However, in most cases, it’s a sign that they have a strong connection and psychic abilities.
It’s important to take care of your mental health and well-being by focusing on other aspects of your life that bring you joy and happiness.
How Do I Know If They’re Thinking About Me?

Obvious Signs
Some signs that someone is thinking about you are more obvious than others. For example, if they mention that something reminded them of you, or if they’re always happy in your presence, it’s likely that you’re on their mind.
Additionally, if they remember everything about you and are putting in a lot of effort to make you happy, that’s a good sign that they’re thinking about you. If they tell you that they’ve been thinking about you, that’s a pretty clear indication as well.
Physical Signs
There are also some physical signs that someone is thinking about you. For example, if you suddenly get random hiccups, or if you get goosebumps out of the blue, it’s possible that someone is thinking about you.
Other physical signs can include flushed ears and mood changes.
Psychic Signs
Sometimes, psychic signs can indicate that someone is thinking about you.
For example, if you lost a loved one and you find a white feather, that can be a sign that they’re thinking of you in the other world. While these signs aren’t physical, they can still be meaningful.
Emotional Messages
If someone sends you emotional ‘thinking of you’ messages or ‘thinking of you’ quotes, then you can be sure that you’re on their priority list.
If they’re going out of their way to make you happy, then you can be pretty sure that you’re on their mind.
While it can be difficult to tell if someone is thinking about you, there are some signs that can indicate that they are. By paying attention to these signs, you can get a better sense of how someone feels about you.
Final Thoughts
The connection between the mind and body is complex and not fully understood, but it is undeniable that they are intertwined.
Taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature can help us to better understand ourselves and our surroundings.
When experiencing signs that someone is thinking about you, it is important to take the time to acknowledge and feel them.
By paying attention to our senses, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Founder. Entrepreneur. Recovering Perfectionist. Not necessarily in that order.
I run on bad jokes and good food. Lover of life and experiences, I did the nomad thing for four years.
Semi-Based in Miami currently.
In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. You can find me on Instagram