10 Plain & Simple Signs A Girl Is Jealous And Likes You
A lot of men have difficulty noticing when a girl is into them. If you’re one of them, then this tip could help you out!
One of the easiest ways to determine this is by looking out for signs of jealousy.
Of course, not every girl gets jealous. So don’t take a lack of jealousy to mean a lack of interest.
But if you suspect a girl is jealous because she likes you, it could be a very strong indicator.
Of course, this brings up an additional problem: how can you tell if someone’s jealous? Here are common signs a girl is jealous and likes you.
Signs A Girl Is Jealous And Likes You
She Gets Really Close To You When Other Girls Are Around

You’re all fine and maintaining a decent distance between you. And then you start chatting with another girl and she’s all up in your personal space.
She’s touching your arm a lot, laughing too loudly at your jokes, and standing so closely it’s almost as if you’re together.
This girl is definitely jealous – and she’s “marking her territory”! She’s trying to show other girls that you’re spoken for or at least trying to make them think you’re taken.
A truly platonic friend would try to be your wing-woman instead.
She’s Quick To Interact Openly With Your Social Media Posts

A girl who’s quick to interact with everything you post may have feelings for you.
It’s another way of “marking her territory”, this time by flaunting your bond online for everyone to see.
She might up the ante if other girls are also interacting with you or if you’ve posted about other girls.
This could go as far as jealously replying to other women on your posts with sarcasm or meanness.
Her Mood Changes When You Mention Other Girls

When you bring up other girls in conversation, a girl who likes you will worry that you like those girls more.
She’ll get jealous and you’ll watch her mood switch. She might shorten her replies, start talking smack about the other girl, or her tone will indicate displeasure.
If you ask her what’s wrong, she’ll try to cover up her feelings. She might insist that she’s fine or just say she’s innocently worried about you.
A completely platonic friend, on the other hand, will be interested to hear about your romantic exploits!
She Mentions Other Guys In Front Of You

If a girl is jealous because of other girls, she might try to make you jealous in turn.
She’ll talk about the guys that she’s met and even compliment them to try and get a rise out of you.
Essentially, she wants to give you a taste of your own medicine and see if you react with jealousy too.
She Watches You Closely Whenever You Interact With Other Girls

When you interact with other girls, a platonic friend will give you space to explore a potential connection.
But a jealous girl who likes you will immediately start watching you carefully.
She’ll try to scope out how you act around these other women.
She may even compare herself to them or compare how you interact with them to how you interact with her!
She Tries To Take Up Your Time

You’re talking to other girls and making plans, but then she comes along and whisks you away.
She’ll say she needs your help or asks you to hang out with her and gets pouty if you say no.
This girl is definitely at least a little jealous and has a crush on you. She’s attempting to monopolize your time so you don’t have any left to spend with other women!
She Fishes For Information On The Girls You Hang Out With

There’s a degree of reasonable questioning from friends about the girls around you. And then there are the lengths to which a jealous girl will go!
She’ll bombard you with various questions about your relationship with other women. She might especially ask what you think about those girls or if you find them attractive.
Do note that women are often socialized to converse more than men are. As such, a platonic female friend might ask you more questions than you’re used to getting from your male buddies.
Use your best judgment to determine if she’s fishing out of jealousy or is just curious!
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She Fishes For Information About Your Plans

Aside from questioning you about other girls, a jealous girl may ask about your plans.
She’ll interrogate you about how you’re spending your weekend or what you did last night. She’ll ask if you plan to see that movie with anyone or if you met anyone interesting at that bar.
This girl wants to pick up on subtle info drops that may point to your interest in someone else. She wants to see if you’re going on dates or meeting anyone interesting.
Sure, maybe she’s just asking friendly questions. But if those questions are coming in drove and are solely centered on you and your social life, she might like you!
She Withdraws From Your Friendship Entirely

Different people react differently to jealousy. A girl who feels very upset by the other girls in your life may withdraw from you to protect herself.
She might think you’ll never choose her and wants to save herself from further heartbreak.
Of course, this isn’t always the reason a girl might withdraw from your relationship.
Try to communicate with her to find out what’s wrong before reaching this conclusion!
She Asks About Your Previous Relationships

A girl might ask about your past relationships because she likes you. She wants to compare herself to your exes and see if she measures up. She’s also likely jealous of those who’ve been with you before.
Even people already happily dating each other do this sometimes! It’s a common downward spiral of jealousy that lots get sucked into.
If you notice she seems down after you tell her about your previous relationships, she might have stumbled into this trap.
Girls can be good at hiding how they feel. But all human beings are prone to letting some symptoms of their true feelings slip.
Pay close attention to these telltale signs of jealousy and you’ll be able to determine if a girl is into you!
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Founder. Entrepreneur. Recovering Perfectionist. Not necessarily in that order.
I run on bad jokes and good food. Lover of life and experiences, I did the nomad thing for four years.
Semi-Based in Miami currently.
In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. You can find me on Instagram