Welcome to June, guys!!
I’m super late in posting this income and traffic report (currently writing this on July 9th) but it’s finally here!
I was in full content-creation mode ? and kind of forgot to check my blog income ?
Let’s dive right in, shall we?
— You may also like: My 7th Month Income Report Here
I will be discussing ALL my online income, which includes TheFab20s and my second blog (undisclosed).
(If you’re new, I don’t provide the URL of this second blog because I am planning on creating a course on how to create and monetize a site quickly, so I don’t want to give this new site any ‘help’ from a more established blog as I am taking notes of everything I do, what works and doesn’t, etc, Stay tuned!)
I know disclosing your income seems a bit weird, but it’s actually pretty common in the blogging world.
More than anything, it’s a very beneficial tool for both myself and fellow bloggers.
Before I started blogging, I read hundreds of income reports and learned so much about how to start and monetize a blog.
If you start a blog, you should keep track of your income and traffic even if you don’t publish it.
In past income reports, my answer has been a resounding YES!
However, the more and more I learn about blogging I will tell you it takes TIME and COMMITMENT. The learning curve is quite big.
And if you lack self-motivation then perhaps this isn’t for you.
BUT, if you like to challenge yourself, want to create a second (or perhaps primary) source of income, and you can put in the work when you see little to no results, then you should definitely give it a shot.
Don’t believe those naysayers who say blogging is dead. I entered the blogging game ‘late’ according to some.
But you know what…
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Stop putting things off, or worse yet, never starting because of what others say. Statistics mean nothing to the individual.
The problem is many of us want immediate results. We live in a world of instant gratifications. Nothing about blogging is immediate, it is a marathon, not a sprint.
Take your time. Learn as much as you can. And keep publishing.
It is 100% possible to create a blog that produces a sustainable and rewarding income.
I want to show others that IT IS POSSIBLE to build a blog and earn extra money on top of their full-time jobs.
My income reports are a tool to help you see that earning money through a blog is possible and perhaps motivate you to start your own blog some day!
Now, before you think I’m anything special.. I would like to let you know I
- don’t have experience writing for a living
- don’t have experience creating graphics or blogs
- have no experience in online marketing
- am not a fan of social media (I don’t have a FB, twitter, and recently deleted the IG app from my phone)
- have a full-time job and blog on the side
So if you think you can’t create a money-making blog, you are completely wrong!
And worse yet, you’re underestimating your capabilities dramatically!
If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?
If you have been going back and forth about starting a blog, you need to start it NOW. Cut the excuses and the BS you tell yourself about why you can’t and dive in.
It’s only scary in the beginning and then it becomes fun!
So, now for what you came for…..
Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled program, but as of September 2019, I have launched my very own course Blogpreneur Blueprint which goes into every little detail of how I grow and monetize my blogs..
If you want to know all my ~secrets~ I highly encourage you to take a peek.
Also, check out my latest income report here to see just how quickly you can turn a blog from idea to side-hustle to full-time business

I got 133,396 pageviews in June 2019! I am really happy with this number because of two reasons:
1. I didn’t post much on TheFab20s in June. I created 3 new articles, edited a couple of older ones behind the scenes, and that was it!
2. We’re entering the summer slump. Summer is notoriously low season for blogs! The warmer the weather gets, the more people start heading outdoors and spending less time on their screens.
So, with these two huge factors in play, I am super happy to keep have over 100k pageviews! My next traffic goal is 200k, and I’m hoping to hit that before the end of August *crosses fingers*

My second blog, Blog B, was launched on March 24 and got 52,529 pageviews in June. That’s much lower than it did in May of 155,152 (almost 100k less!!) but it did have a pin go crazy viral in May and that brought in a lot of traffic (almost 10k a day for a week!)
So I knew things would fluctuate back down once that pin fizzled out.
During June, the traffic to Blog B was stable and seemed to hit around 1,500 pageviews a day, so I’m not complaining!
Definitely got to keep creating content and promoting this blog as it’s still (practically) brand new.
As I’ve said in previous income reports, I will be documenting the entire process and including it in my eCourse so you can copy my success!
This blog is also growing so well because I am using Carlys Pinteresting Strategies in conjunction with my own little secrets and strategies
Mediavine (TF20s) – $1,612.60
Mediavine (Blog B) – $622.29
Total AdRevenue – $2,234.89
Amazon – $844.14
Bluehost (check out my guide on how to start a blog below!)- $75
Commission Junction – $62
Pinteresting Strategies – $56.40
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – $78.80
Total Affiliate Income – $1,116.34
Total Revenue – $3,351.23
Tailwind– $14.99
Picmonkey – $7.99
Hosting (Prepaid for the year)
Total Income After Expenses – $3,328.25
Another month earning over $3,000!! I am ecstatic!
If you’re still on the fence about blogging, just look at the numbers. My expenses are tiny! When your first start, you do have to pay upfront for hosting and your domain.
Depending on what hosting provider you choose and whether you opt for paid themes (I did!), your initial investment will be about $250 to $350 dollars.
$350 is nothing in the grand scheme of things! Imagine starting a brick-and-mortar store. From renting the place to getting set up, marketing.. you’re looking at 2 years of not turning a profit. And even then, the profit would be slim.
With the beauty of the internet, you can start a business for next to nothing!
And start turning a profit *almost* immediately, you just have to be willing to put in the work.

I normally break down a couple of goals I want to accomplish with my blog, but lately I feel like I have been spreading myself too thin and i don’t want to get overwhelmed!
So for June I’m just focusing on creating more posts, optimizing older ones (adding affiliate links, creating new pins, etc.), and working more on the famous eCourse!
I don’t know if I’ll be able to make good on my promise to launch it at the end of August but I really want to remain focused on it and do . the best I can without leaving anything out!
You absolutely need to self-host. Self-hosting allows you to have complete control over your website and content.
For example, if I didn’t self-host, my site would be ‘www.thefab20s.freeblogsite.com’ instead of my own domain name as it is ‘www.thefab20s.com.’ What successful blogger do you know that has a site like that?
But that’s not the only dilemma.
It’s much worse:
- You don’t own your content – the blogging platform owns it and they can shut you down for whatever reason (or if they go out of business) (3)
- The web address will be hard to remember – you want a catchy, easy to remember domain name so those that love what you blog about can visit you regularly
- You can’t advertise – this makes it much harder (or impossible) to monetize your blog
Please note, all these limits apply to the wordpress.COM sites as well.
You want a wordpress.ORG blog, its the exact same software without the limitations!
Bluehost gets my stamp of approval because they really care about helping bloggers like you and me to get started as quickly and painlessly as possible
Nothing comes close to Bluehost in terms of blog load speed and uptime
Bluehost has great performance, they are easy to use and it’s absolutely the best pick for beginners.
On top of that, Bluehost offers a FREE Domain, 1-click WordPress Install, and a FREE SSL Certificate. An SSL certificate adds trust with google as well as with your blog visitors as well!
If you want to start blogging, head on over to Bluehost and click the green ‘get started’ button.
In the beginning, the basic plan is all you need to get started on the right foot.
Before you launch, you’re going to want to do the work beforehand.
I wrote more than 15 blog posts before my launch. Anyone who visited my site in its early days would have never thought it was only a couple of days old.
Create a lot of helpful posts that people will want to read! You’ll notice I don’t have any posts such as ‘my daily makeup routine’ or ‘my favorite pasta dish.’ Why not? Because no one cares!
You don’t know me, so you don’t care what I eat, wear, or do.
Perhaps after you’ve created a relationship with your readers, they will be interested in your personal life, but in the beginning, you have to constantly be thinking ‘What’s in it for me?” from the readers point of view.
Write a lot but with a purpose.
Pinterest will be your secret weapon as a blogger.
More than 90% of my traffic as a new blogger comes from Pinterest.
You will want to make sure you sign up for a Business Account as it will be the best way for you to drive traffic to you brand new blog.
You can either use a personal picture or go with a logo. Bloggers have success either way, so if you want to maintain your privacy, don’t feel obliged to post who you are.
Once you have your business account you’re going to want to create 20 or more boards related to your topic.
By the way, I don’t think you need to pigeonhole yourself!
I don’t have a niche and I love it. I write about travel, money, and food. The riches are NOT in the niches.
Play around with different topics and see what you like and what your readers like as well.
So if you plan on writing about travel, perhaps create 3-5 relevant boards about that topic, for example:
- Travel
- Budget Travel
- Family Travel
- Road Trips
- Europe Travel
- Asia Travel
- etc.
Just make sure it’s a topic you will be creating multiple pins and articles for. There’s no point creating a board if you don’t pin to it often.
No matter how great your content is, if you don’t create great pins that get clicked, all your efforts will go to waste.
There isn’t a one size fits all for pins.
Some pins I think will do awesome tank, and others I’m not too crazy about take off randomly and go viral!
The only thing you can do is make sure you create a lot of pins and test them constantly.
I make anywhere from 2 – 4 pins per post. You never know which one will take off
More than that, if an article isn’t doing so hot, I will make more pins for it two or three weeks later with new keywords!
A lot of bloggers use Canva or Picmonkey.
I use PicMonkey to make my pins and pay the monthly membership of $7.99 because it allows me to use the fonts I buy on top of a lot of other nifty features.
But for the first two months I used the free versions of both Canva and PicMonkey until I decided which one I liked more and bought a plan.
You can still make great pins on the free versions!
There is so much to learn when you start out.
You can’t be scared of investing in a couple of courses.
The strategy I used to get my pageviews to over 100,000 is Carlys Pinteresting Strategies and it only costs $47.
I am not one to part from my money easily, but Carlys eBook is the best bang for your buck.
The guide really makes you understand what Pinterest is about, and her strategy is very useful when you are familiarizing yourself with Pinterest.
Whether you decide to invest in Carlys Pinteresting Strategies or not, you will want to constantly be learning and researching.
There are a lot of free resources online.
I spend a large portion of my free time reading tips and tricks from blogging pros. You can’t assume you know it all.
Blogging is always evolving and you have to be evolving with it.
You want to be studying successful bloggers and constantly asking yourself:
- What social media’s do they use?
- How do they get page views?
- What are the most shared articles they have on their website?
- How do their pins look like and which pins have most repins?
- How do they make money?
Curiosity and determination will get you far in the blogging world!
Yes, Blogging is a business.
However, I learned a long time ago that if you don’t enjoy the process you won’t enjoy the results.
In the beginning, everything is new and intimidating but I challenge you to change your mindset towards this process.
Fear and Excitement are the same emotions. They release the same chemical balances in the body. The only difference is the name and power you give them.
Stop being afraid and anxious and feel excitement! Starting a blog can be one of the greatest decisions you make.
Learn to love the process of writing, creating pins, and getting to know your readers.
I have so much fun creating content for TheFab20s that it doesn’t feel like work. Isn’t that what we all want?
Anyways, I am so incredibly thankful to each and everyone of you that stops by my blog! From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you for reading, tweeting, pinning, and sharing this blog. It is because of YOU that TheFab20s is constantly growing! I am so grateful for you all!
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at [email protected]!
I am beyond thankful to big bloggers that took the time to answer my emails and I will always be here to answer yours!

Founder. Entrepreneur. Recovering Perfectionist. Not necessarily in that order.
I run on bad jokes and good food. Lover of life and experiences, I did the nomad thing for four years.
Semi-Based in Miami currently.
In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. You can find me on Instagram