6 Best Lower Ab Exercises To Finally Lose The Pooch

If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve struggled with lower belly fat at some point in your life. Because we have more estrogen, our bodies tend to want to hold on to fat in this area, IT’S NATURAL.

But just because we have a genetic disadvantage, doesn’t mean we can’t lose the pooch.

Now, in order to lose fat, you need to incorporate a complete workout regime, cardio, weights, and eating right.

So, although this workout will help you with your lower abs, it should be an addition to your current workout program and not the only form of exercise you’re partaking in.

Personally, I throw this routine in at the end of an arms workout or cardio day (I can’t be bothered with abs on leg day! I’m exhausted).


Tools You’ll Need

  • Mat
  • Core sliders for knee tuck or use socks/towel directly on the floor. If you don’t have either, substitute with crossbody climbers.


What To Do

You can incorporate these moves individually into your fitness routine 2- 3 times a week


do this circuit at the end of your workout or after a run


Beginner – 2 Rounds Per Circuit (total of 4)

Intermediate/Advanced – 3 Rounds Per Circuit (total of 6)

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Circuit 1 

Plank with Hip Drop – 15 – 20 touches per side

Heel Tap –  20 each side (total 40)

Mountain Climbers – 25 total

Circuit 2

Plank Jacks – 20 total

Slider Knee Tuck – 20 total (or crossbody climber)

Jack Knife – 15 each side (30 total)

For Best Results, add this routine 2-3 times a week to your current workout 

As always, I have included videos in order to show you the proper form to perform each exercise. Take a look at the videos before starting if you’re unfamiliar with a move, so we may avoid injuries and get the best workout (and results) possible

Plank With Hip Drop 


Heel Taps 


Mountain Climber 


Plank Jack 


Knee Tuck 


Jack Knife 

Alternative Exercise:

Crossbody Climber

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The 6 Best Ab Exercises To Finally Lose The Lower Belly Bulge and get a flat stomach. These lower ab workouts for woman will help you target that problem area we all have. #lowerabs #ab #abworkout
The 6 Best Ab Exercises To Burn Lower Belly Fat! Finally Lose The Lower Belly Bulge and get a flat stomach. These lower ab workouts for woman will help you target that problem area we all have. Flat Stomach workout and curvy #lowerabs #ab #abworkout
The 6 Best Ab Exercises To Finally Lose The Pooch. These lower ab workouts for woman will help you target that problem area we all have. #lowerabs #ab #abworkout

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