The Perfect Morning Routine To Start Your Day Right
Having a productive morning routine can make or break your day.
I love to change around my morning routine but I have found that a. couple of things are non-negotiable.
The absolute best way to ensure that you have a productive day is to ensure that your morning starts off right. It is so important to have a good morning routine, to ensure that you start the day off properly, and you don’t forget anything in the morning!
It might take some time to work out a morning routine that suits you best, but there are some key things to include in your routine, or habits to start forming, that really do work to make you feel more productive and ready for the day ahead.
Here are some habits and steps I include in my morning routine, which I’m sure will help you start your day off right as well…..
Creating Your Perfect Morning Routine
Wake Up Early
Waking up early really does help to set the right tone for the rest of the day. If you usually wake up later in the morning, this might be difficult to get used to at first, but with some repetition and will power, you can get into the habit of waking up early in no time.
It does not matter if you have a class at 11 am or work starts at 8 am, you should wake up early to start your day earlier. This gives you more time in the morning to get things ready, and with more time in the morning, you can start your day more relaxed and slow-paced.
Always Make Your Bed
Many people believe that making your bed in the morning is a waste of time, as you’re just going to mess it up again later, but this isn’t true.
Making your bed as you get up in the morning makes such a difference to the rest of your day. It creates a cleaner environment in your room, and by getting into the habit of making your bed as you wake up, or after your morning coffee, you are starting your morning by being productive.
It is easier to get ready for the day in a clean, clutter-free environment, and it helps to put you in the right frame of mind.
Start Hydrating Early
Many of us cannot function without that first cup of coffee. Even if tea is your thing, you should force yourself to have water first.
To make this easy, you can keep a glass of water or a water bottle next to your bed to drink as you wake up. It is important to re-hydrate in the morning, as you would have missed out on hours of hydration while asleep.
Once you have had some water in the morning, you can go on to have your coffee or tea.
I fill up my water bottle the night before and put it on my nightstand as a reminder to drink right when I wake up.
Play Some Music
You are able to create an environment in the morning that will set you up for a positive and productive day.
Put on some feel-good songs in the morning, songs that get you excited and motivated. It is incredible how setting the mood in the morning sets the mood for the whole day.
If you are not a music fan, you can also look for podcasts to play during the day. This can be anything from entertainment news to a podcast on learning new skills.
Listening to a podcast while getting ready is a great way to learn new information and skills without having to set time aside to do so.
Take Time Getting Ready
Being able to take your time when getting ready will only be possible if you wake up early.
By taking your time to get ready, showering, doing your makeup, or curling your hair, you will be at a relaxed state and not in a flat panic rushing to make it out the door.
Plan Your Day Ahead Of Time
Sometimes, a good morning routine is best started the night before. If you have to plan your classes or errands to run, it is best to do this before going to bed.
This will help you understand what your day will look like, and gives you more resources to properly plan how your day will go. Make a to-do list and write out any other plans you might have.
This way, you won’t be left running around trying to get things done that you had forgotten about.
Have A Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast is vital to ensure your metabolism is kicked into gear for the day.
Make sure to eat a hearty, filling breakfast, such as oatmeal or whole-wheat toast, which will help you feel full through your morning classes or morning meetings.
If possible, plan your breakfasts the night before, so that you do not have to waste time in the morning thinking of what to eat. Keep unhealthy snacks out of your kitchen, as they can be easy to grab and eat when you are in a rush, and they do nothing to start your day off well.
Hit The Gym
If you are able to, it is a good idea to head to the gym in the morning. Once again this will go hand-in-hand with waking up early.
Hitting the gym allows your body to properly wake up and feel ready to get moving for the day. It is a wonderfully healthy habit to form, and after some time you will feel it is easier to get up early and workout each morning.
Pack A Healthy Lunch
When you are busy with classes or other work during the day, it is so easy to forget to have a healthy lunch. Do not become best friends with the vending machine. Set some time aside in the morning to pack a healthy lunch for the day.
You can even plan your dinners for the week to be kept over for lunch the next day. Cook up some chicken breasts and vegetables for dinner, and then use leftovers to make wraps for lunch.
This will not only save you time cooking lunch, but it saves you money as well. There are many dinners to make that can be used for lunch the next day, you just need some inspiration and a little creativity.
Having a healthy lunch packed in the morning means you have no excuses to not enjoy a healthy meal at lunchtime.
Founder. Entrepreneur. Recovering Perfectionist. Not necessarily in that order.
I run on bad jokes and good food. Lover of life and experiences, I did the nomad thing for four years.
Semi-Based in Miami currently.
In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. You can find me on Instagram