
10 Mood Tracker Bullet Journal Ideas To Put You In A Good Mood

Need Some Inspiration for Your Bullet Journal Mood Tracker? These 10 Trackers Will Automatically Make You Happy

Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Self-care is extremely important for our well-being. It’s isn’t just about face-masks and bubble baths, we need to be aware of and actively working to improve our wellbeing. That is why tracking your mood in a bullet journal is such a wonderful idea.

As the quote says, “what get’s measured get’s managed.”

When you have this information laid out in front of you, you’re able to identify triggers and see correlations. I was able to see that my mood was very heavily impacted by my physical activity. The days I was less active, I felt kind of meh, and the days I walked or had a good workout I felt happy, enthusiastic, and even focused more at work! Perhaps your triggers are different, for you, it might be sleep (or lack of) that affects your wellbeing most. 


Before we dive right in, I want to mention the tools I have found and use for Bullet Journaling. If you’re just starting out on your BuJo journey, these are the tools I wish I had purchased at the beginning instead of overpriced books and markers that ‘professional bullet journal-ers’ recommended me.

  1. I use this journal, which is a dupe to the cult-favorite Leuchtturm1917. The only difference is the pages aren’t numbered. No biggie.
  2. This is the black pen I use for writing in my dailies and such.
  3. I get these colorful markers for decorating.
  4. Metal Stencils to help me decorate and design my journal. They come with a little carry case and ruler.

That’s it. And to be completely transparent, I only use the markers and stencils a couple of times a month, when I set up new pages, or am bored and want to decorate. The bread and butter of a bullet journal is simply a pen and a notebook you carry with you regularly. Don’t get too crazy in the beginning as you figure out what pages do and don’t work for you.

Similar Post: What is Bullet Journaling and How Do I Start?

Cute Cactus Mood Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Circle Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Hearts In A Jar Mood Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Tetris Inspired Mood Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Or Keep It Simple With A Scale Of 1 To 10

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Chemistry Inspired Mood Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


This Mood Tracker That’s Out Of This World

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


Or This Beautiful Mood Tracker

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo


This Lovely Bee-Line Mood Tracker

Adorable Little Tea Bag Mood Trackers

Fish Mood Tracker

October Themed BuJo

Pin me for later!

Bujo inspiration to track your emotions daily. DIY these year and monthly BULLET JOURNAL MOOD TRACKER examples. Catch patterns of depression or keep the running steak of happy with creative, simple, minimalist spreads. Year in pixels and alternatives, flower, circle, mandala, cactus, giraffe, turtle, mosaic, tree, bubble, flag, coffee cup, tetris, donut, gumball machine, balloon, faces, and more! Great ideas to add to your collection! #bulletjournal #bujo
10 Unique Bullet Journal Mood Tracker Ideas to Keep You Mentally Equipped #bulletjournal #bujo #tracker

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